90 Day High-Performance Executive Team

- NeuroExecutive Mind Management Group Coaching (3 days 3 hours each)
- Plus Four to Six 1:1 Sessions
- Three Monthly TEAM 2 to3-Hour Sessions
- PLUS 24/7 Online Portal


“Unlock Your Leadership Potential and Elevate Team Performance through Neuroscience, Emotional Intelligence, and Transformational Coaching”


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Modern Transformational Leadership

High-Performance Executive Team Overview

In today’s fast-paced corporate landscape, the most successful teams exhibit high-performance attributes, enabling them to innovate, adapt, and execute with excellence. This 3-month program, designed for executive teams, focuses on developing the intangible and essential attributes of high-performing teams.

Difference Between Traditional and NeuroExecutive Leadership


Are These Challenges Preventing Your Team From Reaching Your Full Potential?



You May Be Experiencing:

  • Low Intrinsic Motivation: Reliance on external rewards (titles, money, etc.) rather than cultivating a deep internal drive and passion for excellence.
  • Lack of Collaboration: Teams working in silos, diminishing overall productivity and innovation.
  • Limited Emotional Intelligence (EIQ): Struggles in understanding and managing emotions in high-stakes environments.
  • Unclear Communication and Vision: Leaders not fully aligning their teams behind a clear, inspirational vision.
  • Performance Plateaus: Struggles with maintaining consistent high-level performance under pressure.


What if You Could Lead with Greater Confidence, Agility, and Insight?


  • Enhanced Leadership Skills: Leaders will leave with a deeper understanding of their personal leadership style and how to align it with the team’s success.

  • Increased Emotional Intelligence: Develop the ability to manage emotions effectively, leading to more empathetic and cohesive teams.
  • Improved Decision-Making: Executives will enhance their ability to make sound, effective decisions under pressure.
  • Personalized Vision: Align personal leadership vision with team and company goals, creating a strong and inspired leadership presence.
  • Sustainable High Performance: Tools and strategies to ensure sustained leadership growth and consistent team success.


Why this program?


Dr. Jim Rives - NeuroExecutive Coach

The High-Performance Executive Team Program Overview


Group Coaching

NeuroExecutive Mind Management

3 Sessions – 3 hours each
Consecutive Weeks


1:1 Executive Coaching
4-6 Sessions over 4-6 Weeks


Optimum Executive



High-Performance Team Coaching

4 to 6 Executive Team Coaching Sessions

2-3 hours Sessions

6  consecutive weeks after completing the 
NeuroExecutive Mind Management ACCELERATOR
and can be integrated with the 1:1 Coaching



Leaders who engage in the NeuroExecutive Mind Management Accelerator often experience transformative shifts, but they also face specific challenges due to the deep nature of the program’s focus on neuroscience, mindset, and emotional intelligence. Below are the key challenges and takeaways for leaders entering and completing this program.

Key Challenges for Leaders:

  1. Letting Go of Fixed Mindsets: Leaders often struggle with deeply ingrained beliefs and behaviors that have contributed to past success but are now limiting growth. Shifting from a fixed mindset to a growth mindset, where adaptability and learning are embraced, can be a major challenge.
  2. Embracing Vulnerability: The program often requires leaders to confront subconscious beliefs and emotional patterns. For many leaders accustomed to projecting strength, embracing vulnerability in this way is uncomfortable but necessary for authentic leadership.
  3. Balancing Rational and Emotional Leadership: Leaders typically prioritize logical, rational decision-making. Incorporating emotional intelligence—understanding and managing their emotions and those of others—can be difficult, especially in high-pressure environments.
  4. Rewiring Neural Pathways: Implementing neuroplasticity principles to change old habits and create new, more effective behaviors requires consistent effort and patience. The brain resists change, making the rewiring process a persistent challenge.
  5. Transforming Beliefs into Action: Understanding new concepts like neuroplasticity, mindset shifts, and emotional intelligence is one thing; translating them into daily leadership actions is another. Leaders often struggle with applying these concepts consistently in real-world situations.
  6. Overcoming Subconscious Resistance: The subconscious mind can hold onto limiting beliefs, even when leaders consciously want to change. Overcoming this internal resistance requires a deeper understanding of the subconscious and its influence on behavior.
  7. Leading with Intrinsic Motivation: Leaders in competitive environments are often driven by extrinsic rewards (money, status, recognition). Shifting to lead with intrinsic motivation—focusing on purpose, passion, and the well-being of others—can be a major adjustment.
  8. Navigating Emotional Overload: As leaders become more aware of their emotions and those of others, they can feel overwhelmed by the intensity of this new emotional landscape. Managing elevated emotions while maintaining leadership effectiveness can be a difficult balancing act.

Key Takeaways from the NeuroExecutive Mind Management Accelerator:

  1. Mastering Neuroplasticity for Continuous Growth
  2. Heightened Emotional Intelligence
  3. Transformational Leadership Mindset 
  4. Deeper Awareness of Subconscious Drivers
  5. Authentic and Purpose-Driven Leadership 
  6. Heightened Self-Awareness and Self-Regulation 
  7. Enhanced Decision-Making Skills
  8. Catalyst for Organizational Transformation 
  9. Building a Culture of Intrinsic Motivation
  10. Clarity of Purpose and Vision

How These Challenges and Takeaways Benefit Leaders:

  • Overcoming the challenges of rewiring old habits, letting go of limiting beliefs, and embracing vulnerability leads to profound growth and transformation.
  • The takeaways provide leaders with the tools, insights, and self-awareness they need to become more adaptive, emotionally intelligent, and purpose-driven. This, in turn, enables them to create high-impact, high-performance cultures in their organizations.

After completing the NeuroExecutive Mind Management ACCELERATOR, individuals engaging in 1:1 coaching often face the following key challenges and have these key takeaways which address the personal transformational needs of the leader:

Key Challenges for Leaders:

  1. Sustaining Neuroplastic Changes: Although the accelerator introduces neuroplasticity, maintaining the momentum to solidify new neural pathways and behaviors can be difficult without continued practice and reflection.
  2. Internalizing Subconscious Shifts: Individuals may struggle to fully integrate subconscious transformations into their daily lives, especially when faced with ingrained habits or environments that trigger old behaviors.
  3. Balancing Emotional Intelligence in Complex Situations: Applying heightened emotional awareness in challenging leadership scenarios may be more nuanced, requiring deeper introspection and tailored strategies during 1:1 sessions.
  4. Overcoming Resistance to Change: Despite an understanding of the change cycle, there may be resistance from within the individual or from their organizational environment, requiring additional support to navigate pushback.
  5. Aligning Purpose and Actions: Translating a clarified sense of purpose into actionable leadership behaviors is often a gradual process, and leaders may face difficulties aligning their everyday decisions with their long-term vision.
  6. Shifting from Extrinsic to Intrinsic Motivation: Although the Accelerator emphasizes intrinsic motivation, fully embracing and acting from this place in a traditionally extrinsically-driven environment can be a continual challenge.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Deeper Personalized Application of NeuroExecutive Tools
  2. Focused Support for Long-Term Neuro Change
  3. Tailored Strategies for Emotional Regulation
  4. Greater Alignment with Leadership Vision
  5. Breaking Through Personal Barriers

     6. Continued Growth as an Inspirational Leader

After completing the NeuroExecutive Mind Management group ACCELERATOR, and 1:1 coaching, participants transitioning into High-Performance Team coaching face distinct challenges and takeaways related to group dynamics, leadership attributes, and team development. These sessions are designed to deepen the neuro-based insights applying them to high-performance team environments.

Key Challenges in High-Performance Teams:

  1. Aligning Individual Neuro Changes with Team Dynamics: While individual members may have made significant personal changes through the Accelerator, aligning those changes with the collective team’s objectives and culture can be challenging. This requires balancing individual leadership growth with team cohesion.
  2. Diverse Emotional Intelligence Levels: Teams often have members at different stages of emotional development. Managing emotional intelligence in a group setting, where varying degrees of awareness and regulation exist, can lead to misunderstandings or misalignment.
  3. Coordinating Teamwide Purpose and Vision: Translating the purpose and vision developed individually into a coherent team vision is a hurdle. There may be competing priorities, diverse leadership styles, and different motivational drivers across the team.
  4. Overcoming Resistance to New Team Dynamics: Teams may resist new ways of operating, especially if long-standing patterns and hierarchies are challenged by new transformational insights. Ensuring buy-in from all team members to create a high-performance culture is an ongoing task.
  5. Balancing Accountability and Support: High-performance teams need to balance accountability (driving results, setting high standards) with empathy and support. This balance can be difficult to strike, especially if some members focus more on results, while others lean into collaboration and emotional connection.
  6. Embedding NeuroLeadership Attributes Across the Team: Applying neuroplasticity and transformational leadership insights consistently across the team requires continuous learning and a shared understanding of key leadership attributes such as adaptability, emotional resilience, and visionary thinking.

Key Takeaways from High-Performance Team Coaching:

  1. Strengthened Team Identity and Cohesion
  2. Enhanced Emotional and Cultural Intelligence
  3. Intrinsic Motivation Across the Team
  4. Increased Agility and Adaptability
  5. Collective Ownership of Success and Failure
  6. Application of High-Performance Attributes
  7. Visionary Thinking
  8. Collaboration and Co-Creation
  9. Emotional Regulation and Resilience
  10. Cultural Awareness and Inclusivity
  11. Transformation into a High-Impact Team Culture

Additional Team Sessions Focus:

  • Intrinsic Motivation Building: Coaching focuses on creating an environment that nurtures intrinsic motivation, ensuring each team member is personally driven by shared values and growth opportunities.
  • Feedback Mechanisms: Teams develop and practice effective feedback loops that not only correct behavior but also inspire growth and encourage creativity. This ties into fostering a culture of innovation.
  • Conflict Resolution and Empathy Training: Team sessions emphasize conflict resolution strategies built on empathy and understanding, allowing teams to address issues constructively without damaging relationships or performance.


Who is this program for?


The Program is designed for executive leaders and senior management teams who are seeking to elevate their leadership capabilities and enhance their team’s performance. It targets:

Corporate Executives: C-suite and senior leaders looking to improve decision-making, emotional intelligence, and team dynamics.

High-Performance Teams: Teams striving to foster collaboration, accountability, and innovation while achieving sustained high performance.

Leaders Facing Performance Plateaus: Executives who want to overcome personal and team growth stagnation by shifting from extrinsic to intrinsic motivation.

Organizations Focused on Transformation: Companies aiming to create a high-performance culture that leverages neuroscience, emotional intelligence, and leadership agility for continuous improvement.

Program Fee:

Custom pricing available on consultation


What Makes Us Different?


  • Expert Neuro Executive Coach: Led by a specialist in neuroscience, somatics, Leadership Agility, Enneagram, Leadership 4.0 and transformational leadership. 
  • Evidence-Based Approach: Combines cutting-edge neuroscience, emotional intelligence, Enneagram, Leadership 4.0 and leadership agility research.
  • Holistic Development: A blend of group dynamics and 1:1 personalized coaching for comprehensive growth.  
  • Proven Results: Executives leave with greater self-awareness, team alignment, and organizational impact.<br>


High-Performance Teams do not just HAPPEN!

They purpose and work to become a Team where MAGIC happens!


In a world where leadership constantly evolves, the ability to lead with clarity, agility, and emotional intelligence is more critical than ever.


The NeuroExecutive Mind Management ACCELERATOR 1:1 Program is your key to unlocking your leadership potential.



What Our Client’s Say  



Dave Sweiderk

President & CEO
$5 billion financial organization
(LinkedIn Profile)

Hybrid NeuroExecutive Mind Management ACCELERATOR

Avante-garde CEO Recommendation

I wholeheartedly recommend the Executive Leadership Institute. They tailored the executive coaching program for our credit union’s executive leaders. Having had the privilege to experience this program firsthand, I can confidently attest to its profound impact on enhancing leadership effectiveness.

The program excels in offering a comprehensive approach through one-on-one coaching and team coaching, which fosters both individual growth and collective synergy. The insights drawn from neuroscience principles significantly enriched my understanding of leadership dynamics, enabling me to connect more deeply with my team and stakeholders.

Furthermore, the integration of the Enneagram framework provided invaluable tools for self-awareness and understanding diverse personality types within our team. This has been instrumental in cultivating a more supportive and collaborative environment, allowing leaders to lead with empathy and clarity.

The guidance received throughout the coaching journey has been exceptional. The coaches demonstrated not only expertise but also a genuine commitment to helping each participant uncover their unique strengths and areas for growth. This program truly gets to the root of what it means to be an effective leader, equipping us with the skills to navigate challenges and drive positive change.

I highly endorse this program for any leader seeking to enhance their effectiveness and foster a supportive organizational culture.

Karen Roch
Credit Union West

Proven Results…..

“As a coaching client of Dr. Rives, I have directly experienced and attest to the value of his executive coaching.  Through his facilitation, which incorporates the latest in behavioral and learning sciences, he consistently succeeds developing clients’ awareness and actualization, while ensuring individuals remain true to their core values and to themselves.

At a credit union where I was the Vice President of Human Resources, he facilitated pathways to greater success for several members of the senior management and executive team, including myself.  In particular, the leaders gained unprecedented insights into how their every action and communication impacted their entire teams and business lines.   In addition to reducing flight risk of key personnel, Dr. Rives’ interventions contributed to enhancing the organizational culture to be more progressive and collaborative.

Inspired by his success at that credit union, I later reached out to Dr. Rives to request executive coaching services for two key officers in critical roles at my next banking organization ($150+ billion in assets).  The feedback from both coaching clients and their executive officer was highly positive.

Dr. Rives has delivered proven results, while engaging a variety of leader styles, demographics, and institution profiles.  I sincerely recommend his addition to your complement of executive development resources.  Your leadership, their teams, and the organization will surely see a transformation and its benefits.”

Ray Flores
Senior Vice President, MBA, SHRM-SCP

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